January 19, 2009

One World, One Heart, 2009!

I'm so excited to be participating in the One World, One Heart Giveaway again this year. It's a world-wide event, that's so much fun and has been such a great way to meet and connect with other bloggers. And, I know you will probably be very busy blog-hopping for this fun event, but I do hope you'll stop back and visit me often. (I've added a link in the right hand column should you wish to "follow" my blog.) And, please sure to visit my website: NancyMalay.com

Here are my prizes, to be given to two different winners:These Valentines were created especially for this event using beautiful papers, vintage images, crystals, antique lace, tinsel, etc. Please leave a comment ON THIS POST to enter win the card or tag.


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Lori said...

how pretty Nancy:)

Anonymous said...

I am already making rounds! I am offering a free giclee print of my work, so I hope you come by. Happy to see you are taking part as well!

Donna said...

I'm delighted to have a chance to win such an elegant card.

Anonymous said...

Very elegant.!
(Bluebirds and Bubbles)

Janet said...

Beautiful!! What a great giveaway! Please add my name to your list! And if you haven't already, please enter my giveaway, too.

Anonymous said...

Such a lovely piece :)

Please enter my name to your draw.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous collage, please enter my name in your drawing

Anonymous said...

Hi Nancy! Please do enter me enter your drawing, and if you haven't already come visit my blog and sign up to win my prizes!! Lovely to meet you~

nikki/WhiMSy love said...

Please enter me! Love the sweet valentine treat!

Anonymous said...

This is such a sweet Valentine, and I would love to win this (or the others you have listed in the below.) I have enjoyed reading your blog, and your work is simply awesome. Enter me in both drawings, and I'll cross my fingers, toes and eyes in hopes of winning.

Kimberly Dover

Sherry Goodloe said...

Soooo pretty! Happy OWOH 2009 to you. Please enter my name in your drawing, and when you get a chance, stop by and enter my giveaway as WELL :)

Unknown said...

Such a lovely giveaway. Please stop by and leave a comment on mine too. I love OWOH, such a great opportunity to meet so many people.

girlgonethreadwild said...


What beautiful TREASURES these cards are. I'd be delighted to win either one of these.

You make MY heart smile.

That's for sure.

xo, me :)

Sherry said...

I participated in this event in the past and it truly is remarkable. Nancy, as always your work is incredibly beautiful and filled with love ♥

Peggy Parker said...

Both are very pretty! Please enter my name! peggy@thesefauxwalls.net

Pam Mattick Art and Stuff said...

Count me in. Beautiful...Please stop at mine too.

Latharia said...

Love those pieces! :) So elegant & stylish! Please do enter me into your drawing ... then come visit my blog & enter mine!! :D

latharia @ comcast dot net

Veleta (Sammy) said...

these are adorable!nocc

Ellen Lyn said...

So sweet and what a lovely blog!! Please enter my name in your drawing!
hammgood at yahoo dot com

vintagepaletteart said...

Oh Nancy....I would love to win one of your gorgeous creations! =D


Becky Bunn said...

Both are lovely. Please enter me and do stop
Thanks Becky

Becky Sorensen said...

These are both beautiful. Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks

Saskia said...

So nice... sharing creativity all around the world!!
Someone will be very happy with your lovely giveaway...I can only dream it 's me ;-)
Both the card and the tag are so beautifull!!

Since 2 years, I make cards and atc's. I don't have a blog...yet!

Greetings from Belgium,



Anonymous said...

They are beautiful!! Please enter me... MsChrisy@aol.com
Thank you :)

Evidence of an Artistic Life said...

These are so beautiful! I would love to enter your drawing!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Beautiful Valentines! Please enter me! And visit me to enter my giveaway!


Mahala said...

These are both beautiful. I would love to enter.

Ottilias Veranda said...

Hi Nancy! Adorable art as usual! Please count me in for this giveaway and feel free to hop over to my blog and giveaway.


Bella Modiste said...

GORGEOUS!!!!! Please enter me in your drawing! I’ll be making my OWOH post later tonight..time got away from me!
The Bella Modiste

Anonymous said...



Terry Spier-Kalmar said...

Please enter me in the drawing.


Terry Spier



Anonymous said...

I'd love to be a part of your drawing.

Please contact me by email.



Unknown said...

Your artwork is so very pretty. Please inclde me. Come see mine.

Shariyah said...

Your work is beautiful! Please enter my name into your give-away, and if you haven't already, stop over at my blog and toss ur name in the hat to win my prizes!
Peace & Love



bmoonchild said...

What a wonderful idea for the holiday of love.

Snap said...

Lovely! Please count me in!

Nice to meet you!

bluemuf said...

Both the Valentine card and tag are lovely.


nancye williams said...

I'd be proud to win your giveaway.

roseroomnz.com said...

they are very, very beautiful. Come visit me if you haven't already, I have a giveaway also ~ Rachael ~ roseroom@slingshot.co.nz

Anonymous said...

This is such fun, isn't it? Meeting all these new neighbors in Blogland.

I think your prizes are very charming and would love the chance to win.

I'm offering a couple of handmade treasures as well, and would love a visit...


Sandy McTier Designs said...

Your work is gorgeous!
Please enter me in your drawing and make sure to come on over and check mine out!

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

This is fun! do count me in your giveaway.. would love to win!

have a nice day!


Patti G. said...

Nancy, Love your artwork and the cuties on them too! :0)
Pleaes count me in on your drawing! Thank you!

Joanne Huffman said...

Elegant work! Please enter me in your drawing. I invite you to visit my blog to enter my drawing


Trish said...

I love your work! Thanks for the chance to win.

2 Junkie Girls said...

oohh your blog is lovely as are your OWOH offerings! Please enter me, and come visit me (I'm number 173 on Lisa's list) :D


Letha Richardson said...

These are both just gorgeous, and I would be honored to win either. Please enter me in your drawing.

Anonymous said...

very pretty

please add me to your drawing and check out my blog give away at



carolyn h


Zan Asha said...

These are just beautiful!! Please count me in, as well, thank you!


Dschrader said...

Love your site and love your work. What a precious little bear! Please enter me in your drawing!
Donna Schrader

Anonymous said...

These are so pretty! Please count me in!

seahagstudio said...

these two pieces are lovely! i REALLY like the tag! (hint) please sign me up! thanks, tracy

Artseyanne said...

Lovely, please include me in your draw.
Anne S

Cheryl said...

I would love to have the chance to win just beautiful
Peace and Blessings
Cheryl...Snatch JOy!

Robin said...

Very pretty!! Please enter me in your drawing. If you get a chance, stop by and enter mine too!

Carolee said...

Nancy, these are absolutely enchanting!! Please count me in. :)

~ Carolee

Shoozles said...

The card is a treasure.

Such an exciting project isn't it?
Please add me to the list and visit my blog for my give away as well :))

Anonymous said...

I love your vintage pieces. Just beautiful! I would be honored to own one, so please do add my name to your drawing.
If you haven't already done so, please enter my drawing too!

Unknown said...

OMGosh!!! They are both darling! I love your style!
If you would like a chance to win some hand tatted lace during your OWOH caravan travels then come on over to my blog to enter! :)

Alexandra said...

Wonderful works! Please enter me! Alexandra

Bibi said...

Hello from down under! These are stunning! Please enter me. I'm at www.bibscrap.blogspot.com, and am planning to participate too, but only found out about this today, so won't get my giveaway together until the weekend - do check back then

Mimi Head said...

You cards are so beautiful and I love the chance to win one! If you have the time stop my own give away.

divaqueenie said...

Really beautiful, Nancy! Thank you for sharing your talents with us!

Jodi said...

These Valentines are gorgeous and I'd love to win one. Thanks for the chance.

Nelly said...

Count me in! These are beautiful!

Oops! Desperate Blogger~ said...

Love your dolls! This is my first year for OWOH and it's pretty amazing! Nice to meet you! Please try to stop by my blog!

Rosanna Pereyra said...

Your work is wonderful. Please enter me in your drawing.


sewfunky said...

Please enter me in the draw to win... And don't forget to take a look at my giveaway too! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh wow! I love your work! Please enter me to win! I am glad I found you!
Have a great day,

Anonymous said...

So lovely! I would be honored to win. Please enter me in your giveaway and please stop by and enter mine!

Pam Mattick Art and Stuff said...

Hello, I'm back :-) Does that count??? Hope so. Just wanted to thank you for the sweet comments. I'm going to stick you in my blog favs list, wanna swap and do the same? I've got the blog with the Given Enough Coffee I Could Rule The World painting. I remembered your blog when I got back here because your eye makeup is BEAUTIFUL. How do you do that? Love all your piece too.

Moira said...

You do wonderful work I would love to win some in your draw many thanks

Diana S said...

oooo, they are lovely! Please enter my name to be picked in your giveaway drawing. also, if you haven't already, please enter my giveaway, too.

Leslie said...

So sweet, love these pieces! Please include me in your drawing, Leslie

MommaB said...

wonderful altered art..pleas enter me.

Anonymous said...

Your valentines are just delightful. Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks for participating, it makes it so fun to have so many places to visit. Do stop by and enter mine too.

Linda said...

Love your blog, please enter me in your draw.
Cheers Linda

carylsrealm said...

FAB-U-LOUS! Please enter me! :) And if you haven't...please stop by my give-a-way, too!

Sophie said...

Oh so pretty! Count me in.

Pamela said...

how lovely! please stop by my place to enter my OWOH drawing.

Elizabeth said...

BEAUTIFUL!!!! Please enter me in your drawing and thanks for the chance to win!

Vanessa Kiki Johanning said...

Nancy!! so super pretty and sweet!

Catherine R. said...

As you already know I am a fan of your work. I just love what you have created. They are so sweet! Thank you for allowing me to participate. Happy OWOH 2009 to you.


Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

I love these!!! Please add my name to the draw!!!!...m...

Maija said...

It is fabulous! Please count me in your OWOH giveaway!

{Le Petit Poulet} said...

Please add me into the giveaway

Anonymous said...

Beautiful!! What a great giveaway! What unique creations!

Cheers Oxana

Willnnabel said...

What beautiful pieces. Please enter me in your generous give away.

sue said...

These are very original and pretty. I would love to have one

Anonymous said...

love your work!!

Gloria Lowell said...

Wonderful work. Please include me in you drawing. Gloria

SpiritMama said...

What beautiful valentines! Thanks for entering me in your drawing!

Waxela (wa-shay-la)

Anonymous said...

Your giveaways are beautiful...I would love to have a chance to win.
I am bookmarking you lovely blog so that I will have a chance to visit and enjoy your posts and art.
I am also a participant #9...would love to have you visit.

Karen said...

I love your work! What great colors, textures, and themes. Please enter me into your drawing. And...stop by my blog for a giveaway!

Monique Kleinhans said...

What gorgeous valentines! Please do include my name in you drawing, and if you are able to stop by my blog, please do so!

You can find me at www (dot) thelightifind (dot) blogspot (dot) com.

Thanks for being a part of One World One Heart again!

Gerry said...

These are just precious. So elegant, yet fun.

Please count me in. I also invite you to visit my blog to enter. I'm #98.

Tumble Fish Studio said...

What an honor to visit you and your blog and see all of your beautiful work and read about all of your successes! Your flat work is as beautiful as your dimensional pieces - just gorgeous! Hope you have time to visit me too!

littlepage said...

Very pretty! I would love to take one home. Please add me to the drawing.

Tami said...

Nancy, these are so beautiful, thank you for the chance to win!
You have a wonderful blog!

Altered Route said...

I Just LOVE your work! Please toss my name into the hat.

Also, please stop in over at my place to check out my own giveaway...


Heather Robinson said...

Your artwork is gorgeous!! I'd be honoured to have a chance to win a piece of it.

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

Thank you for participating in this years event.
Your work is so amazing, I love your sculptures and hope to see more of your work.
Your giveaways are extremely lovely and perfect for Valentines Day.
Lisa Swifka
OWOH Host/participant

Tamerie Shriver Halliday said...

I love your work. Please enter my name in your drawing. If you have time, check out my giveaway at #272.


~*~Patty S said...

Please put my name in the running for a chance to win one of your lovely giveaways. Thank you!
You can find me at OWOH#122

Quiltmoose - Dagmar said...

Love your Valentines! Please enter me in your drawing. I am also participating in this wonderful event! http://quiltmoose.blogspot.com/
Please stop by if you haven't already.

Greetings from Germany,

Rosa said...

How precious! Please add my name!

Ann said...

I'm having a blast visiting all the OWOH blogs! Please enter me in your giveaway, and if you haven't done so already, please stop by and enter mine, too! ;)

trisha too said...

These are PRETTY!!


Sarah said...

Very sweet, I love them!
Sarah :)

Anonymous said...

These are precious! I just love them! Please add me to your drawing!
Jessica Worthy

Unknown said...

Oh, I LOVE both of them!! So lovely! Please count me in :)


vivian said...

hi nancy! love your art work!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful items. Please enter me. Be sure to enter my giveaway as well. Thank you and hello from Alaska.
~Vicki Priebe
Wish Grantor

Paula said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM! Since I'm all about vintage and all about whimsy, I gotta win one of these darling pieces! What a beautiful blog you have...and such artful inspiration! I've signed up to follow your blog so that I can visit again soon! Thank you for the chance to win! Hope you'll drop by my blog and enter my give-away! I'm waaaaay down the list at #360!

I'm SO hoping I'll win!!!!

~*~Pandora's Artbox~*~ said...

Both are beautiful! Please count me in and make sure to visit my blog for my giveaway. Thank you!

Lisa W. said...

Wonderful! Please enter my name. I am also participating in OWOH and would love for you to stop by. #223 :-)

PattiV said...

What a wonderful giveaway! Please enter my name in your drawing and won't you stop by and enter mine!

Anonymous said...

Oh, both are absolutely lovely - please count me in! And do feel free, too, to stop by my blog for my own OWOH giveaway!

Debb said...

They are beautiful ,please enter me in your give away I love your work.Was in this last year but my RA ia acting up so I sat out this year.But still wanted to stop by everyone blog.
love Debb

vintage wil said...

the are beautiful !
what a lovely work!!!

Connie said...

these are just lovely! please enter me in your draw and come enter mine!

Kristal said...

Both of your cards are lovely. I hope I'm lucky enough for one of them! And I' excited to discover your beautiful creations and will spend some time looking everything. Have a great day.

stampgram said...

Oh, goodness, what beautiful valentines! I love them both! This is the first time I have heard about OWOH but I love the idea of giving. I plan to do this next time too. Please enter me in your drawing.

Malissa said...

I adore your work and your valentine giveaways! please sign me up!

Smokeylady60 said...

Very very cute.
Please enter me in your giveaway
and I am number 303 If you would like to enter mine.


Gorgeous! Please add me.


mrsbeccijo said...

Great giveaway!

Jax said...

They are both beautiful! Please enter me in your drawing.

Shirley said...

Beautiful Vintage Valentines.

Renee said...

Your valentines are lovely



donna joy said...

wonderful work!
count me in~

Kit said...

Your work is beyond words. Beautiful tags. Sweet & thoughtful giveaway, Nancy. Please include my name in your giveaway and be sure to drop by my blog and enter, as well. Thanks! Kathy

Morna Crites-Moore said...

Please count me in! And visit my give-away too. I am offering a woolly felt heart pin and a pair of freshwater pearl earrings. :)

altermyworld said...

wonderful giveaway pls add me


Kims Art said...

Hi, it is so nice to meet you! I just love your work! Please add my name to the list for a chance to win this wonderful gift!

craftychick said...

stop by my blog for my giveaway too!!

Dragonlady said...

Your Valentines are delightful, enter me and I hope you have a chance to make it over to my blog..

Unknown said...

Thank you for the great giveaway & a chance to win!

:) Melissa

Franny said...

These are both so beautiful!

I would jump for joy to win this the day after my 20th anniversary!

I have never been to this event before and I am amazed at the generosity. I am particularly moved by some of the comments that are so heartfelt.

This has really inspired me to be more creative and to blog more. I have enjoyed meeting you and getting in touch with your blog.

Please enter me, Hugs:)


jamaise said...

You are so talented. Such beautiful little pieces :)

Thank you for the chance to own one :))

Moniqui said...

So pretty! I love your blog! So much inspiration!

Janny said...

What a wonderful giveaway! It's realy great to meet and find new blogs!Please enter me in your drawing. I have a give away to on my Blog;o)

Mary said...

Please enter me in the drawing for this goregous cards.

Jann said...

It's so much fun to meet new artists! I love your blog--and your artwork is beautiful. Please include me in your drawing, and visit me to enter mine! Smiles, Jann

Born in the year of the Dog said...

Love your valentines and I hope one comes to my home. Thanks for sharing your artwork. Colleen

Lynn Stevens said...

I Love your work, very inspiring

Anonymous said...

I would be thrilled to win such a great valentine...I love your work.

D Q said...

Wonderful work! Please enter me.

Betzie said...

Precious Nancy as everything you make is...
Best wishes...xo

Jennifer said...

Wow Nancy, those are both so beautiful. I'm glad that I found your blog. I can't wait to wonder it.

Unknown said...

I love the depth of these valentines. Stop by and check out my giveaway, too!

Normangirl said...

Your art is beautiful. I have all my fingers and toes crossed that I will win! Please enter my name in the drawing. Thanks!

Farmgirl Cyn said...

Your work is beautiful! Please enter me in the drawing!

artbeckons said...

love these! please include me in your drawing =) OWOH #433

~Melissa Merrill~ said...

These are both great pieces of art. Count me in. I too have a OWOH giveaway going on at my blog. So stop on over, if you haven't already.

Anonymous said...

Both pieces are lovely! Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks so much!
Bleubabe at aol dot com

Unknown said...

Please enter me and visit my giveaway on my blog too!


jackie said...

Your art is beautiful! Please add my name.

HeARTworks said...

Hello from the Philippines! What can I say? Your art is beautiful!
Isn’t this fun? I’ve gotten a lot of inspiration hopping from one blog to another!
I invite you to visit my blog too- enter to win an ATC with your face on it!

Sarah said...

So pretty please add me to your giveaway.
I am also participating in OWOH so please come and see me over at my blog i would love to see you
Sarah x

Beadyjan said...

I'm so enjoying seeing the blogs of so many talented creatives through OWOH - its inspirational.

Please pop my name in your draw and call by my blog to see my pendant necklace giveaway.

Wanda Maria said...

Hi, there! It’s nice meeting you! Please enter my name in your fantastic giveaway. And, when you get a moment, please stop by my blog and enter my OWOH giveaway, too. I am giving away 2 handmade resin rings to 2 winners.

Warmest regards,

Wanda Eash

Anonymous said...

very nice - hope i win one !

pam l.

gma said...

So pretty!
Please put my name in your drawing. Also stop by and see my OWOH give away.

free indeed said...

These are so pretty...be my valentine! Thanks for opening to everyone.

AngieHallHaviland said...

What a FUN event this is....making friends through ART is always WONDERFUL!! Please enter me in your drawing!!

Be sure to stop by my blog :O)

Heidi Jo said...

Beautiful! Very nice mixed media!

Anonymous said...

Wow, they look wonderful
KawaiiNeko2008 (at) aol (dot) com

Cape Cod Rambling Rose said...

What beautiful artwork! Please enter my name into your drawing! If you have a moment, please stop by and enter my giveaway, too! =)

Melanie said...

very cute!!! thank you for sharing with everyone! Please add my name in the drawing!!!

Carole Burant said...

Such a delightful giveaway, I just love your art! Please enter my name in your drawing. Thank you!! xo

Lana said...

WOW! How adorable! You are so talented. Thank you for being so generous!


Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Your artwork is truly magnificent as if your entire blog! Please add my name to your drawing! Then come on over and enter my OWOH Giveaway too! I’d love to see you there.

I've added myself as a follower on your blog. And I’d like to invite you to add yourself as a follower to my blog! That would be awesome!

Rusted Wings said...

your work is incredible...i can't wait to have more time to come back and visit awhile!
please count me in and come by and see my new blog #479...rusted wings!
blessings, abigail

Michele P. said...

I would love to win, these are amazing!

micaela6955 at msn dot com

Rhondi said...

Very sweet giveaway. Come visit me to.

Anonymous said...

What a sweet pieces of artwork you have made.


Veronica said...

Thank you for participating in the OWOH event. It is wonderful that we can all get together and share not only our love of art but also our love of one another. Please visit my blog and be added for a chance to win a set of rubberstamps. Keep in touch even after OWOH event. I love meeting new artists. Please come visit by blog at www.artbyveronica.blogspot.com

WOW simply isn't strong enough. This is amazing.

Melissa said...

Both pieces are lovely. I would love to win. Please enter me in your giveaway.


Kathy said...

lovely cards.. and love your art/blog will definitely be back..thanks for the chance to win

Our Hands For Hope said...

Great art. Isn't this fun! It's going to take me forever to get around! This message seems to be way too short and sweet. Sorry, I'll be back!
'running with scissors'
i'm going to follow you!

Unknown said...

Perfect Valentines, thay are so pretty! I'd love to win! Thanks for sharing!

Lelia said...

Wonderful giveaway! Awesome treasures : )

A Vie Renouvele said...

I just love the valentines you've made! Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks, Linda

Liv said...

both items are beautiful! please enter my name in the drawing! :)

thank you for sharing your art.
all the best,

gloomy_liv AT yahoo DOT com DOT au

Dogpatch Primitives said...

oh, they are all so beautiful! I would be thrilled to pieces to win any of them :)


Pink Elephant Soapery said...

Thanks for participating! Love visiting all the blogs and getting to know new friends. Stop by mine when you have a moment for my give-a-way. I am #554 on the list.

Jamie Lott said...

I can't remember whether I left you a comment already but I just wanted to say again how grateful I am that you introduced me to OWOH! I'm having so much fun. Thanks for inviting me to travel with you on the Gypsy Caravan!

And if I haven't commented already, sign me up! ;)


Deirdra Doan said...

This one too please.

Anonymous said...

wonderful nice pieces!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...


I can see why your blog giveaway is so popular. Your work is amazing and just drop dead gorgeous.

Please stop by my blog and enter my giveaway also.

hfsolutions at juno dot com


C. Sage Deerborn said...

I love all of the little added details you include in your valentines.

Anonymous said...

Pure perfection:) I have enjoyed reading your blog, and am amazed at your talent. I'm so happy I found you.

I'll send you an email address with my contact information, and will hope I can win.

Sally J.

Linda said...

Wow a great giveaway. I would love to be entered in your drawing. My email address is:
Pasfan2000 at hotmail dot com

Please stop by my blog and enter my giveaway.


My Journey to Hope said...

Oh, I LOVE your giveaway! Please enter me in your drawing and come check out mine, too!


Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

Just gorgeous. Hope on over to enter my giveaway.

bayrayschild said...

How lucky would I be to win one of Nancy's treasures?



martha brown said...

These valentines are beautiful! Please enter me into your draw -- thank you so much! I'm off now to look around your blog!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy you joined and gave me the chance to find your sweet blog and your lovely art!!
Such a pretty valentine:)


Lisa said...

I love your work..count me in for your giveaway..and please visit my blog for my book giveaways..:)


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